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Top Physicist Economist International Order Might Not Allow Trump To Be Elected

Top Physicist-Economist: International Order Might Not ‘Allow’ Trump To Be Elected

The politics and economics of a Trump presidency

In the wake of Donald Trump's election as the 45th president of the United States, there has been much speculation about the potential impact of his policies on the international order. Some experts have argued that Trump's "America First" agenda will lead to a more isolationist and protectionist foreign policy, while others have predicted that he will continue to pursue a more interventionist approach similar to that of his predecessors.

Globalization and its discontents

It is important to note that Trump's election did not occur in a vacuum. The rise of anti-globalization sentiment has been growing in recent years, as evidenced by the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom and the election of populist leaders in Europe and Latin America. This discontent is rooted in a number of factors, including concerns about job losses, stagnant wages, and the perceived erosion of national sovereignty. Trump has tapped into this anger and frustration, and his election can be seen as a rejection of the globalist policies pursued by previous administrations. However, it is important to note that Trump's policies are still in their early stages and it is too early to say what the long-term impact will be.

The future of the international order

One of the most pressing questions facing the international community is the future of the liberal international order that has been in place since the end of World War II. This order is based on the principles of free trade, democracy, and human rights, and has been underpinned by the United States' military and economic power. Trump's election has raised concerns that he may undermine this order, either through his policies or his rhetoric. For example, Trump has threatened to withdraw the United States from trade agreements, impose tariffs on imports, and even withdraw from NATO. He has also made statements that have been seen as hostile to democracy and human rights, such as his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.

The view from the international community

The international community is closely watching Trump's presidency, and there is a great deal of uncertainty about what the future holds. Some leaders have expressed concerns about Trump's policies, while others have welcomed his election as a sign of change. It is too early to say what the long-term impact of Trump's presidency will be on the international order, but it is clear that his election has already had a significant impact on the global landscape.
